Information provided by customers using the Microtechno website
The information you provide is primarily your personal information, such as your name, email address, phone number and address, which is necessary to provide you with information about our company’s products and services. For the purpose of providing information that meets your needs, we may ask you to provide other information at your own discretion with the exception of some mandatory items. Our company believes that the protection of such personal information is extremely important. Our company 's approach to personal information is explained below.
In order to protect the privacy of customers who use our website, our company will strive to protect information by means of encryption (SSL), etc.
The information provided will not be used for any purpose other than to provide you with information regarding our company’s products and services. However, please note that depending on the type of service used on this website, we may disclose information to a third party within the scope necessary. (For example, we may provide your name, address, and other information to companies that we have commissioned for the delivery of catalogues, etc.)
Our company may share your personal data within the scope necessary for certain purposes of use.
The personal data acquired by our company will not be provided to third parties unless the prior consent of the person in question is obtained.
This website may have links to other websites, but please check with the linked websites for information on their handling of personal information.
The use of this website is done at the discretion of the customer. Our company assumes no responsibility for any damage caused by the use of information obtained from this website.
Matters concerning procedures for disclosure of personal information, etc.
Please contact our company’s Corporate Planning Group for details about the procedures (required documentation, processing fees, etc.)
related to requests for disclosure, correction, or removal (hereinafter referred to "requests for disclosure and other matters") made by the person to whom the personal data in our possession refers to or a representative of that person.
676 Takayachogo, Higashihiroshima City, Hiroshima 739-2124
Personal Information Manager, Corporate Planning Group, Microtechno Corporation
This website and the above initiatives are subject to review and revision as appropriate.